search our online records and library catalogue

Start your search journey here

We have over 11 million records in our online collections which are available to our members and thousands of books and other media from the library listed in the library catalogue. If you are not a member you can carry out an initial free search in the digital collections, but to view the full record details simply join online today.
SoG Explore
Our Collections
Library Catalogue
Family Trees
Memorial Cards
SoG Explore

Discover your ancestors using SoG Explore, a new tool providing powerful search capabilities to help you find your ancestors in our extensive record collections.

SoG Explore is currently in development with new search features coming soon. We are working on digitalising many records currently only available offline, plus adding our existing digital collections to this new search tool..

You can view a list of all the record sets already added to SoG Explore, watch an instructional video and find out how to give us feedback on SoG on our information page here.

Ways to explore our collections

Our digital collections
over 11 million online records

We have made more than 11 million records available online. You can carry out an initial search, but the full record details are only available to members. Simply join us online to get more.

Our library catalogue
London-based printed collection

Find out what we hold in our unique library to help you with your search.

Visit us in person
Society of Genealogists

Visit us to access our library, archival material, and computers with access to a wide range of genealogical sites.

Explore our collections

Court records

See all of our Court records

Parish registers

See all of the Parish registers

Poor law records

See all of our Poor law records


See all of our Apprenticeships records

Getting started

Our aim is to make family history accessible to everyone. Start with our free online resources.

Guides and Tips

Access in-depth guides and quick tips on various family history sources, records, and research techniques.

Talks and Courses

Discover a wide variety of learning events, from courses to talks, to walks or visits.

Become a member

Join us

As a member, you can make the most of our resources, access our experts, and find a welcoming community of people interested in family history and genealogy.

We all have roots. Let’s find them together.

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