Digital collections (SoG Data Online)

We have more than 11 million records available online to our members. If you are not a member you can still carry out an initial search, but to view the full record details you will need to join. For details of our membership packages and how to join click here.

We are constantly adding transcripts, indexes and images from our library so that you can access them from the comfort of your own home. If there is anything you would like to see on the site in future, please let us know. Material must be either SoG copyright, out of copyright (the author having died more than 70 years ago) or donated by the transcriber for use here. Additional material is also welcome. If you have transcribed or indexed genealogical sources and would like to donate them to us for the benefit of other members, please contact the Head of Library services.

Some of the books here are not yet indexed and you can only browse images of the pages. If you would like to volunteer to index from home please see our Volunteering Page.

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