Enjoy a variety of recorded talks that explore how to get the most out of our collections and resources, hosted by our Genealogist, Else Churchill, and the SoG Team.
Learn about the D'Arcy Hart letters
Learn all about what the Society of Genealogists holds with regards to wills, indexes, learning aids, probate documents and other legal papers.
Learn how to access the SoG Sources for the armed forces in the library and online.
The first decennial national census was actually taken in 1801. While names and other personal details were not officially recorded in these earlier censuses many were collected and some survive.
The registering of births or the recording of a baptism afterwards remain the most important genealogical events. However, there may be challenges in finding such vital information, and given the gaps in online provision, genealogists may need to look elsewhere.
Discover where to find titled and landed gentry in the essential antiquarian and reference works listed within the SoG catalogue subject headings 'Peerage/Royalty' and 'Gentry'.
This introduction includes a background to education in England and the types of schools and institutions you might find.
Learn how trade directories can provide valuable information about our ancestors, including filling in gaps between census years.
Learn how to access the SoG Sources for the legal profession in the library and online.
Tips to find out more about our rural ancestors - where they lived, who they worked for and what they got up to.
Learn how to access the gems in SoG’s manuscript, sheet and roll pedigree collections, both online and in the archive.
Discover how you can access and use treasures held at SoG including Sources for trades and occupations in the library and online.
Learn more about our topographical document collections, discover how to access and use them in your research.
How to make the most of poll books, how the history of voting affects whether your ancestor appears on the lists, what can be found at SoG and what is elsewhere.
Discover how you can access and use treasures held at SoG including family papers, letters and diaries in the document collections.
The Society of Genealogists Library holds many useful and interesting resources for those researching Irish Ancestors. From transcripts of early wills and chancery materials to compiled genealogies
Concentrating on Protestant Dissenters (Baptists, Congregationalists/Independents; Presbyterian/Unitarians; Methodists) there is also material on Huguenots & Quakers and others
Delve into the treasure chest of wills in the SoG archive document collections, copies and indexes from the SoG library and FamilySearch.
Hear all about our upcoming events at SoG with Events Manager, Ruth Willmore. This talk was given as part of the SoG Members' Lady Day Social.
Tips for searching for talks in the ever-expanding Gold members' video library by using categories and key words. This talk was given as part of the SoG Members' Lady Day Social.
Quick update from SoG Library Coordinator Christine Worthington on what's new in our library and collections. This talk was given as part of the SoG Members' Lady Day Social.
Delve into the treasure chest of marriage indexes and marriage settlements that can be found in the Society's library, archive document collection and digital collections.
Marriage by licence has almost as long a history as the more usual practice of marriage after the calling of banns. Many different bodies had the right to issue marriage licences, the licence in theory being issued by the office which had jurisdiction over both parties. HANDOUT
Update on the latest features of SoG Explore, a new tool providing powerful search capabilities to navigate our extensive record collections. Given as part of the SoG Members' Lady Day Social.
The Society’s collections include resources for the places wherever the British migrated and thus include copies and transcripts of Australian records of help to genealogists. HANDOUT
Delve into the treasure chest of marriage indexes and marriage settlements that can be found in the Society's library, archive document collection and digital collections.